
“Preguntado se El Rey hy avia algun derecto”

This dissertation reserch object is the Portuguese Feudal State during the reigh of Afonso III (1248-1279). The aim is to analyze the relationship between royalty, the aristocracy and the peasantry in the julgado of Baião and Penaguião. We use the cocept of feudal mode of production and social formation, seeking to highlight the importance of extra-economic factors for the understanding of medieval society. From the analysis of social relations we tried to demonstrate that the struggle for surplus wera insert into the logic of the feudal mode of production, and the Feudal State existed through all the parceled sovereignty, in which royalty acted as important muffling the tensions of ruling class.

Citação completa

MAGELA, T. P. S.. ?Preguntado se El Rey hy avia algun derecto?: decompondo a armadura do Estado Feudal (Portugal ? 1248-1279). 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia, 2023. v. 1. 290p .