The philosophical understanding of persona found in Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae I (q. 29) can be traced back to Augustin (Epistolae 137, 2; 169, 68) and Boethius (Duabus Naturis, III). The construction of this concept was influenced by, among other factors, the fourth century Trinitarian controversies as well as by interaction of the biblical logos and the Greek logos. From the Christian perspective, the individual experience ranks the highest position among the experiences of living since it embraces multiple presences: the presence to itself, the presence to the other, and the presence to the transcendent.
Citação completa
CUNHA, Mariana Paolozzi Sérvulo da. Notas sobre a Noção de Pessoa no Medievo-Cristão. Estudos Teológicos, v. 54, p.117, 2014.
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