Aniong the limited hagiographical production of the Hispanic High Middle Ages, there is a story that, despite its brevity, will be truly successful. Success as a text with comes not only from its dissemination but, above all, from the disclosure of the narrative tradition embodied in it. It is the Vita vel Gesta Sancti Ildefonsi Toletanae sedis metropolitani episcopi -thus named by E. Flórez. In recent years, there have been several discussions about the authorship, date of production and aims of this text, which started a long and productive legend about the saint portrayed in it, Ildefonso de Toledo. The purpose of this paper is to make some comments on this story and, above all, set it in its possible contexts of production and dissemination. This approach may provide some additional evidence to help to identify the controversial author of the hagiography, in particular, to determine the discursive coordinates used to construct his work.
Citação completa
GUIANCE, Ariel. Observations about a controversial Hagiography: the Vita vel Gesta Sancti Ildefonsi. Imago temporis. Medium Aevum, Lérida, n. 3, p. 99-122, 2009.
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