
Na “ribalta” das inquirições: a dissolução da Ordem do Templo e as comendas de Ega, Soure, Redinha e Pombal: 1308-1310.

This communication is intended to deal with some aspects of the careful process of building a memory about the relationship between the order of the Temple and the real power in Portugal during the first decade of the fourteenth century. Discuss this subject from the study of the specific situation of four commendations, namely those of Soure, Ega, Redinha Pombal and the process of “envelope” of this memory appears particularly in inquiries and letters of award in the period 1308-1310.

Citação completa

FERNANDES, Fabiano. Na “ribalta” das inquirições: a dissolução da Ordem do Templo e as comendas de Ega, Soure, Redinha e Pombal: 1308-1310. Atas da ANPUH – XXV Simpósio Nacional de História, Fortaleza, p. 1-10, 2009.