
Tópicos antijudíos en las Homiliae in Hiezechihelem prophetam de Gregorio Magno

The study of the anti-Jewish topics in the Patristic has caused rich debates around the reasons of Christian anti-Judaism. In this article we analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the references to Jews in Gregory the Great’s Homiliae in Hiezechihelem in order to establish his motivations. The contrast between the moderation against Jews showed in the Registrum epistularum and the utilization of anti-Jewish topics -not only in the Homiliae in Hiezechihelem but also in other works of Gregory- allows to enrich the debate about the aduersus Iudaeos literature.

Citação completa

COHEN, Rodrigo. Tópicos antijudíos en las Homiliae in Hiezechihelem prophetam de Gregorio Magno. Anales de Historia Antigua, Medieval y Moderna, Buenos Aires, v. 46, p. 281-308, 2013.