
The State of the Discipline of Medieval History in Mexico

This article offers an evaluation of the development of Medieval studies in Mexico in the 20th century in four areas: teaching, dissemination, the organization of exhibitions, and publishing. The completed research affirms that despite a growing interest in the Middle Ages both in academic and cultural settings, Mexican medieval studies are still in their infancy. This is due, among other things, to the lack of specialists in academic institutions, the difficulty of training graduate students in History as medievalists, and the limited number of monograph studies produced in our country, especially in the area of history. The conclusion offers a proposal to begin to overcome these obstacles.

Citação completa

SALOMA, Martín. The State of the Discipline of Medieval History in Mexico. Imago temporis. Medium Aevum, Lérida, n. 4, p. 93-116, 2010.